2019 Women's One-Day Conference

26 Oct 2019, 8:30am–2:30pm PDT

Morningstar Christian Chapel, 16241 Leffingwell Road, Whittier, CA, USA Map

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Morningstar Christian Chapel
Women's Ministry

Women's One-Day Conference
Create In Me A Clean Heart
Psalm 51:10

When: Saturday October 26th from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
(Continental Breakfast 8:30am)

Where: In the Main Sanctuary

Cost: $25.00
(includes Continental Breakfast and Catered Lunch)

Our guest speakers will be Cathy Dickinson. Worship Leader: Gia Lucid

Registration here online, at the information Counter after services, and in the Church Office during the week. See flyer for all the details.

Create in me a clean heart, O GOD,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

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